Natural Aloe BioTech was incepted with a mission to bringing the benefits of Aloe to the bigger mass.

Owing to our knowledge of different aloe species and the end to end ownership from cultivation to manufacturing, our products has been widely appreciated by our customers across Asia.

Our qualified professionals formulate and develop these supplements to ensure the end users consume the best medicinal properties of aloe.

We use our proprietary equipment with good manufacturing practice certified by the Bureau of Pharmaceutical Control (BPFK), Ministry of Health Malaysia, to assure our aloe products range continues to be the highest quality.

Our range of products derived from different species of Aloe

Aloe Complex is a unique formulation using 4 species of Aloe with high nutritional content for Constipation and General Health Maintenance.

Herbiotic is a unique formulation using Andrographis paniculata with 4 species of Aloe to produce the highest herbal bio-medical activities to Replace Antibiotic with NO Side-Effects.

Karela Plus is a unique formulation using Momordica Charantia, Phyla nodiflora and 2 species of Aloe that produces the highest herbal bio-medical activities to help improve the quality of diabetic patients’ life.

Oncovit is a unique formulation enhanced with a potent dosage of the anti-cancer Aloe Lectin from Aloe arborensis, the only 1 out of 350 Aloe species, together with Andrographis paniculata and 3 other species of Aloe to produce the highest bio-medical activities.