Karella Plus is a unique formulation using Momordica Charantia, Phyla nodiflora and 2 species of Aloe that produces the highest herbal bio-medical activities to help improve the quality of diabetic patients’ life.
It works through a synergistic effect of all constituents from Aloe and Phyla nodiflora and Momordica Charantia. Aloe is known to have the essential nutrients to supplement our nutritional requirements, in the process it acts as a carrier and also help our body system to absorb the essential constituents in Phyla nodiflora & M. Charantia.
There are at least 3 known constituents of M. Charantia that have been reported to be able to contribute to the blood-sugar lowering actions ( hypoglycemic) in diabetic patients, namely:
- Steroidal saponins known as Charatin
- Insulin-like peptides
- Alkaloids
M. Charantia helps in the lowering of blood-sugar in 2 ways by:
- Inhibiting uptake of glucose by the gut
- Stimulating glucose uptake by muscle cells, which allows muscles to metabolise the glucose as energy
Other benefits that diabetic will benefit from Karela Plus are :
- It is a pancreas tonic, where it preserves Beta celll functions which contains insulin
- Normalize blood pressure
- It is an anti-oxidant, thus having anti-carcinogenic activity