Herbiotic is a unique formulation using Andrographis paniculata with 4 species of Aloe to produce the highest herbal bio-medical activities to Replace Antibiotic with NO Side-Effects. The name Herbiotic, is derived from 2 words, Herb (Her) and Biotic. Herb being the source of our natural ingredient, and it has the medicinal efficacy of anti-biotic, but without the side effects of most other anti-biotic medications. Hence the name Her-biotic.

Andrographis paniculata has been a popular herb in Asia for centuries to treat chronic and infectious diseases. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Andrographis is used to detoxify the body system and treat fever, and the Scandinavians use it to prevent and treat common colds. Harvesting from the relevant part of the Andrographis plant at the right maturity will produce the most medicinally active phytochemical known as andrographolide, which gives it a very bitter taste. The andrographolide enhances the immune system functions by:

  1. producing white blood cells, which kills off bacteria and other foreign matter
  2. release of interferon, which is a protein produced by cells to counter and prevent the growth of viruses
  3. increasing the activity of the lymph, this cleansed the body system of waste from cellular metabolism and carry invading bacteria and viruses to the white blood cells to be killed off

Herbiotic benefits our body system through its synergistic effect of all constituents from the herbs, Aloe with Andrographis, thus enhancing the action of each other.

Our other products derived from different species of Aloe

Aloe Complex is a unique formulation using 4 species of Aloe with high nutritional content for Constipation and General Health Maintenance.
Karela Plus is a unique formulation using Momordica Charantia, Phyla nodiflora and 2 species of Aloe that produces the highest herbal bio-medical activities to help improve the quality of diabetic patients’ life.
Oncovit is a unique formulation enhanced with a potent dosage of the anti-cancer Aloe Lectin from Aloe arborensis, the only 1 out of 350 Aloe species, together with Andrographis paniculata and 3 other species of Aloe to produce the highest bio-medical activities.